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About DARC:

The Board






The board of Danish Association for
Research on the Caucasus

Danish Association for Research on the Caucasus is governed by an elected board consisting of: Markus Bogisch (chairman), Anders Nielsen (deputy chairman), Carl Erik Foverskov (secretary), Søren Theisen (treasurer), Lars Funch Hansen, Britta Johnsen, Märta-Lisa Magnusson, Flemming Olsen, and Jesper Weng Rasmussen. Deputy members of the board are Helle Blomquist, Martin Demant Frederiksen, and Jana Sommerlund.

The board brought a decision that the association will work closely with successful online platforms and today, it is partially subsidized by sports betting websites. By using their offers, a small commission goes back to the association. For example, by obtaining an offer of 10 free hockey picks for a minimum deposit of $50, the association will receive 10% back. All funds are used for research projects.

Below, information and addresses on the members of the board can be found. The Association can also be reached by e-mail: [email protected] 

Markus Bogisch (Chairman)

M.A. (Art History). Ass. lecturer at the Institute for Cultural Sciences and the Arts, University of Copenhagen.

Address: Søllerødgade 55,
DK-2200 Copenhagen N
Tel: +45 3582 1393
[email protected]

Topics of special interest: Medieval art and architecture of the South Caucasus and the historical provinces of Tao-Klarjeti (north-eastern Turkey). Current projects: The establishment of an international network between scholars specialised in the architectural heritage of north-eastern Turkey, with the primary aim to exchange information and to work for the monuments’ protection and preservation.

Relevant publications:

"The Art and Architecture of Tao-Klarjeti", in: Kristianobis ozi saukune sakartveloshi/Twenty Centuries of Christianity in Georgia (Tbilisi, 2004), 86-91.

"The basilica of Otkhta Eklesia", in: Historical Monuments of South Georgia and North-Eastern Anatolia (Tbilisi, 2006). [in press]

"Neue Materialien zur Kreuzkuppelkirche in Yeni Rabat", Oriens Christianus, 90 (2006), 143-186.


Anders Nielsen (Deputy chairman)

M.A. in History of religion and Russian. Several stays in Russia, Ukraine and the Southern Caucasus, including field work in Georgia 2003. Teaches Comparative Religion in the Danish upper secondary school ("gymnasiet") and at "Folkeuniversitetet" in Copenhagen.

Address: Hannovergade 10, 3. tv 
DK- 2300 København S 
Tel: 35834000 
[email protected]

Topics of interest: Religion and history in the Caucasus. Special focus on: 1) The meaning and function of religious symbols and artefacts in the orthodox churches in the former Soviet republics. 2) Church and State relations in Georgia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


Carl Erik Foverskov (Secretary)

Master of Science (Chemistry). Former Associate Professor at Technical University of Denmark. Studying History at Copenhagen University (Economic History and Eastern European Studies).

Address: Tokkekøbvej 29
DK-3450 Allerød
Tel: +45 4817 4822
[email protected]

Topics of special interest: Chechnya. Member of the board of The Danish Support Committee for Chechnya and The Chechen-Danish Society.


Søren Theisen (Treasurer)

Writer/Consultant, with a background in History and Iranology. Has travelled the region intensively, partly in connection with private research projects, partly as a longterm electional observer. Member of the Danish Humanitarian Response Network under the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Address: Korsgade 5,
DK-2200 Copenhagen N
Tel/Fax: +45 3534 6086
[email protected]

Topics of special interest: History, Religion, organisation of society and political culture in the Near Orient, especially Caucasus, Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan.


Relevant publications:

"Tragedien i Nagorno Karabakh", Kontakt, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, nr. 48, Sept. 1990.

"Transkaukasien. Armenien, Aserbajdsjan og Georgien", in co-operation with Torben Hansen, SNU (København, 1995).

"Tåge ved foden af Ararats bjerg: præsidentvalget i Armenien 1998", Vindue mod øst, nr. 43, July 1998.

"Mountaineers, Racketeers and the Ideals of Modernity: Statebuilding and Elite-Competition in Caucasia", in: Ole Høiris & Sefa Martin Yürükel (eds.), Contrasts and solutions in the Caucasus (Aarhus, 1998).

"Etnicitet og Politik i Iran før og nu", Semiramis nr. 6, 1999.

"Georgien - klanernes nationalstat", Udenrigs nr. 2, 2000.

"Opløsning truer Aserbajdsjan", Udenrigs nr. 1, 2001.

"Historie og Landskab", in: Ib Faurby & Märta Lisa Magnusson (eds.), Korsvej og Minefelt: Kultur og Konflikt i Kaukasus (Aarhus, 2003).

"Demokrati og Klankultur", in: Ib Faurby & Märta Lisa Magnusson (eds.), Korsvej og Minefelt: Kultur og Konflikt i Kaukasus (Aarhus, 2003).

"Georgien – roser med torne", Udenrigs nr. 1, 2004.

"Valg i Sydkaukasus: Armenien og Aserbajdsjan", Udenrigs nr. 3, 2004.

Lars Funch Hansen

M.A. (Geography and Communication), East European Studies. Many periods in Russia, including several longer periods and field work in the North Caucasus. Several shorter periods spent in the South Caucasus. Have worked as a consultant for especially international organisations and institutions with a special focus on the situation and conflicts in the North Caucasus. Has since 2000 worked for the Danish Refugee Council as project manager, - with a special focus on civil society development in a post-conflict context in the Balkans.

Address: Ravnsborg Tværgade 6A, 4. sal 
DK-2200 Copenhagen N 
Tel: +45 3537 8214 
[email protected]

Topics of special interest: Regional identity processes in the Northern Caucasus through the last two hundred years. Other key words: Cultural identity and boundaries; historical geography; nationalism and national identity; migration; civil society; .  

Relevant publications: 

"The North Caucasus. Minorities at a Crossroads", in co-operation with Helen Krag, Minority Rights Group International (London, 1994).  

"Cevernyj Kavkaz – narody na pereputje", in cooperation with Helen Krag, Evropeiskij Dom (Sankt Peterburg, 1996)  

"Nordkaukasus: En regional institutionaliseringsproces" (unpublished thesis), Roskilde Universitetscenter, 1998.  

"Cultural Boundaries and Identity Building in the North Caucasus", in: Ole Høiris & Sefa M. Yürükel (eds.), Contrasts and Solutions in the Caucasus (Aarhus, 1998). 

"The Conflict in the Prigorodny District", in co-operation with Helen Krag, UNHCR (Geneva, 1998). 

"An Overview of the North Caucasian Peoples", in cooperation with Helen Krag, in: Mehmet Tütüncü (ed.), Caucasus: War and Peace, SOTA (Haarlem, Netherlands, 1998) 

"Summary of Discussions during the Conference", in: Tom Trier & Lars Funch Hansen (eds.), Conflict and Forced Displacement in the Caucasus, Dansk Flygtningehjælp (Copenhagen, 1999). 

"The Meskhetian Turks", UNHCR (Geneva, 1999). 

"Den internationale humanitære indsats i Kaukasus", Dansk Flygtningehjælp (København, 1999).  

"Nordkaukasus – Folk og Politik i en Europæisk Grænseregion", in cooperation with Helen Liesl Krag, Museum Tusculanums Forlag (Copenhagen, 2002)

"Demografiske forandringer i Nordkaukasus", in: Ib Faurby & Märta-Lisa Magnusson (eds.): Korsvej og Minefelt: Kultur og Konflikt i Kaukasus, Systime (Århus, 2003)

"Prigorodnij-konflikten", in cooperation with Helen Liesl Krag, in: Ib Faurby & Märta-Lisa Magnusson (eds.): Korsvej og Minefelt: Kultur og Konflikt i Kaukasus, Systime (Århus, 2003)


Britta June Claridge Johnsen

Former manager of travel agency/organiser, has travelled a lot in Russia and Armenia, now student at Københavns Universitet, History department.

Address: Nansensgade 86 2 tv. 
DK- 1366 København K. 
TEL.: +45 3393 0681 
[email protected]  (new mail address) 

Topics of special interest: History – especially Caucasus, Russia and Turkey. The Danish help work among the Armenians 100 years ago. Chairman of the Comity to mark Maria Jacobsen’s and Karen Jeppes’ work.

Relevant publications:

The following works are in progress:

A fair copy of Maria Jacobsens handwritten diary from 1907 to 1919 – 963 pages. (To be published in 2007.)

Participating in a book-projekt on Maria Jacobsen, a witness to the Armenian Genocide. (To be published 2007.)

Also currently working on a biography on Karen Jeppe.


Märta-Lisa Magnusson

Ph.D. (Slavic Languages), assistant professor at the Institute of Political Science, University of Copenhagen.

Address: Duevej 4
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Tel: +45 3810 5142
[email protected]

Topics of special interest: North Caucasus and Chechnya.

Relevant publications:

"Chechnya. Report of An International Alert Fact-Finding Mission", in co-operation with Abderrazakh Essaied & Paul Henze (London, 1992).

"Konflikten mellem Nordossetien og Ingusjija", Vindue mod øst, nr. 25, 1993.

"Revner Rusland?", in co-operation with Ib Faurby, Udenrigs nr. 2, 1995.

"Nordkaukasus", in: Jens-Jørgen Jensen & Märta-Lisa Magnusson (eds.), Rusland - samling eller sammenbrud? (Esbjerg, 1995).

"I eller sammen med Rusland" Vindue mod øst, nr. 38, 1997.

"The Negotiation Process between Russia and Chechnya - Strategies, Achievements and Future Problems", in: Ole Høiris & Sefa Martin Yürükel (eds.), Contrasts and solutions in the Caucasus (Aarhus, 1998).

"The Battle(s) of Grozny", in co-operation with Ib Faurby, Baltic Defence Review, nr. 2, 1999, 75-87.

"Endlösung i Tjetjenien?", in co-operation with Ib Faurby, Udenrigs, nr. 4, 1999, 39-52.

"The Failure of Conflict Prevention and Management - The Case of Chechnya. Part I: Conflict Assessment and Pre-War Escalation", in: Tom Trier & Lars Funch Hansen (eds.), Conflict and forced displacement in the Caucasus. Danish Refugee Council (Copenhagen, 1999).

Europarådet, Rusland og krigene i Tjetjenien", in co-operation with Ib Faurby, Udenrigs nr. 2, 2000.

"Hvorfor ville russerne krig? Mediernes rolle under de to russisk-tjetjenske krige", in co-operation with Ib Faurby, Nordisk Østforum, no. 3, 2000, 31-46.

"Comments on Contributions", in: The International Community and Strategies for Peace and Stability in and around Chechnya (on the Results of the Joint Conference organized by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs and the Journal Central Asia and the Caucasus). Central Asia and the Caucasus, Journal of Social and Political Studies, nr. 4, 2000, 115-116.

Flemming Olsen

MA in International Development Studies/geography.

Adresse: Jagtvej 219 K, 8. th. 
DK- 2100 København Ø 
Tlf.: 3920 7374/ 2695 9434 
[email protected]

Topics of special interest: Georgia, Russia's foreign policy in the South-Caucasus, security politics, oil politics, oil pipe-lines, state sovereignty.


Jesper Weng Rasmussen

MA (political science). Has studied at the Khazar University in Baku for one year; short-term election observer for the OSCE at the presidential elections in Azerbaijan in 2003. Has written his MA-thesis about the political culture in Azerbaijan.

Address: Roarsvej 20, 3. tv. 
DK-2000 Frederiksberg 
Tel: +45 38 33 22 29/+45 22 97 48 14 
[email protected]

Topics of special interest: Politics and society in Azerbaijan including the Nagorny-Karabakh conflict 

Relevant publications:  

J. Weng Rasmussen, "Mens vi venter på demokratiet – en analyse af regimetypen og dens udvikling i Aserbajdsjan", Speciale ved Institut for Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet (2004). 

J. Weng Rasmussen, "Valg i Aserbajdsjan – ad velkendte veje", Udenrigs 4 (2005), 53-61


Helle Blomquist (Deputy)

LLM, MA, PH.D. Has conducted a survey and inquiry on the integration of refugees in North Ossetia.

Address: H. C. Ørstedsvej 32, 3 tv 
DK- 1879 Frederksberg C  
Tlf.: 3326 1414  
[email protected]

Topics of special interest: Legal regulation of refugees; legal systems


Martin Demant Frederiksen (Deputy)

M.A. student, Dept. of Anthropology and Ethnography, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Has visited the region in 2004 and 2005, and done long term anthropological fieldwork in Tbilisi, Georgia in 2006. Member of Editorial Board of Kontur – Journal of Cultural Studies (Inst. of History and Area Studies, University of Aarhus) and Peer Reviewer for Anthropology Matters Journal.

Address: Ny Munkegade 68
DK- 8000 Aarhus C
Tel: 21905592
[email protected]

Topics of special interest: The role of future in everyday praxis and social imagination, primarily in relation to street youth. Forms – and social consequences of violence, identity politics, cultural representation, and NGOing and psychosocial development in post-soviet and post-conflict areas.

Main Area: Southern Caucasus

Relevant publications:

"Armenien, Forestilling og Erfaring - Fortællinger om Møder med et Hjemland" (With Katrine B. Gotfredsen). Jordens Folk – Etnografisk Tidsskrift (2005).

"Invisible Suffering – Mental Illness, Social Annihilation and Violence in Contemporary Georgia", Kontur – Tidsskrift for Kulturstudier Nr. 14 (2006) [in press]

Jana Sommerlund (Deputy, Webmaster)

Journalist, student of political sciences

Adresse: Ydunsgade 11, 
DK-2200 København N
Tlf.: 60 88 61 88, 35 82 61 88 
[email protected], [email protected]

Topics of special interest: security issues and foreign policy in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia

Relevant publications:  

M. Jarlner og D. Sommerlund, "Tjetjenien vakler mellem krig og fred", Information (9 June 1999), p. 7

M. Jarlner og D. Meskhi (Sommerlund), "Russiske grænsepolitik", Politiken (1 March 1995), Kultur og Debat, p.3